Fed Up with Rejection Letters

The Game Rejection is part of the game, unfortunately. Or, you could be applying to a ghost job , where a company isn't really hiring, but using the job listing as a front to show that "they're doing well". There could be a computer reading your résumé/CV, that's full of qualifications that made you apply to the role, which doesn't see the right key words to push your résumé forward to the HR department's recruiter. It could be a spam job listing on LinkedIn from H&R Block, for example, as one specific key word in your search brings up 28 pages of roles that don't even contain your key words from your search. I promise you, that's a thing! What in my qualifications did not exactly align? Is there a perfect candidate? The elusive "we regret to inform you that we pursued another candidate for the role" is super vague, at best. Yes, you read the bullet points. Yes, they matched your qualifications. Yes, you included a cover letter...